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来源: 点击: 时间:2022年10月22日 11:33







For millions of years, plants evolve plenty of structurally diverse secondary metabolites (SM) to support their sessile lifestyles through continuous biochemical pathway innovation. While new genes commonly drive the evolution of plant SM pathway, how a full biosynthetic pathway evolves remains poorly understood. The evolution of pathway involves recruiting new genes along the reaction cascade forwardly, backwardly, or in a patchwork manner. With three chromosome-scale Papaver genome assemblies, we here reveal whole genome duplications (WGDs) apparently accelerate chromosomal rearrangements with a nonrandom distribution towards SM optimization. A burst of structural variants involving fusions, translocations and duplications within 7.7 million years have assembled nine genes into the benzylisoquinoline alkaloids gene cluster, following a punctuated patchwork model. Biosynthetic gene copies and their total expression matter to morphinan production. Our results demonstrate how new genes have been recruited from a WGD-induced repertoire of unregulated enzymes with promiscuous reactivities to innovate efficient metabolic pathways with spatiotemporal constraint.

讲者简介:杨晓飞,博士,现为西安交通大学计算机科学与技术网络赌博网站 副教授,博士生导师,计算机学会生物信息专委会委员,中国生物工程学会计算与生物信息专委会委员。2019年陕西省优秀博士论文。博士毕业于西安电子科技大学计算机应用技术专业。201810-201910月在美国杰克逊实验室作访问学者。主要从事多组学数据分析及算法开发,包括基因组组装及注释、结构变异检测算法开发等,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,青年项目、参与科技部重点研发计划等。共发表学术论文30余篇,包括Science, Nature Communications, Nature methods, Genome Biology, Briefings in Bioinformatics 等期刊,所发表论文累计引用1100余次,最高单篇引用209次,单篇引用过百的论文有5篇,h-index15.

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